
My response to SHIfT happens

In Shift happens, the movie seems to create a sense of nervousness and scariness. The movie speaks of the advancement of technology and how the United States isn't as explosive as the stereotype seems to be. In this movie, everything Hollywood has put on screen is being born now, in the 21 first century.

The First quote that jumped out at me was this: "There are 1300 people just like you".This quote mentioned China. In China there are 1300 people just like me, and it seems very uncomfortable because I'm a very boring person and there will be walking Zombies. The quote doesn't literally mean exactly like me, but academically like me, and has the same lifestyles.

The second quote that had an affect was this: "China will be soon become the number one English speaking country in the world". This quote intrigued me, because English in China is second language. Its kind of sad, because English is our dominant language, and we kind of suck at it.

The third quote that jumped out at me was this: " We are currently preparing students for jobs that don't exist yet." This quote has a lot of mystery in it because the jobs that don't exist yet may be very life changing. I am very curious as well because, how much will these people get paid, what kind of technology will they be using. How much will this stuff affect there families, and what if they have to be silent, because it is so top secret. I feel more interrogative then freaked out, because its something coming soon!

If at anytime you would like to learn more about Karl Fisch, here is a link to his website:http://www.thefischbowl.blogspot.com/


guardian angel said...

I like that you said that the US isn't as powerful as it once was. The fact that we are preparing kids for jobs that don't exist yet is very strange. It tells me that the US is in a rut that we are pressuring the kids. I really enjoyed your post.

Raider said...

I liked that we both had that same reaction to thies 1,300 people just like us. I personoly think that thier not just like us in a way.

Becky said...

The quote about china becoming the #1 english speaking country cought my attentiion as well. Its crazy that we are watching our country slip away just like England did. It make you think, "Whats our future going to look like, is all that stuff going to come true??"

Nonsence said...

Intersting blog.! You give details, and your own opinion about the power of the U.S I like that, it catches my attention.